Tuition Guarantee FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Drake offering the Tuition Guarantee?
This straightforward model of tuition pricing gives you peace of mind in knowing that the cost of your tuition will not change in your four years at Drake. Additionally, locking in tuition means that your scholarship from Drake will not lose value—as a percentage of tuition—during your college career.
Note: This is a pliot program currently in place at Drake.
Will this save me and my family money?
Yes, fixed tuition for four years will save entering full-time, undergraduate students money on the total cost of a Drake education compared to our previous model—and many of our competitors’ current models—of raising tuition annually.
How much will tuition be each year?
Please visit this webpage for a comprehensive listing of Drake University tuition and fees based on the year you will be entering Drake.
Does the Tuition Guarantee include room and board?
It does not. Because of the variations inherent in room and board (type of room, varying meal plans, students living off campus after their sophomore year), we cannot guarantee a set cost for room and board. We will announce room and board costs in early in spring, according to our usual practice.
What if I don’t graduate in four years? Will my tuition cost go up?
The Tuition Guarantee can be extended to include a fifth year, with potential for an extension into a sixth year (two years after the traditional four). The Tuition Guarantee is an undergraduate program only—it does not apply once a student moves into a graduate program.
Will this impact how much financial aid Drake offers students?
We will continue to offer a robust financial aid program to our undergraduate students; we provided $55 million in financial aid to 98 percent of our students last academic year.
Does the Tuition Guarantee apply to part-time students (less than 12 credit hours)?
No—we will announce tuition for part-time students in early spring, according to our usual practice.
Does the Tuition Guarantee apply to pharmacy students?
Those full-time, undergraduate students entering as pre-pharmacy majors will have the Tuition Guarantee for their first two years at Drake. Upon their first professional year (P1), they will pay the pharmacy program tuition.
Does the Tuition Guarantee apply to undergraduate transfer students?
Yes—the Tuition Guarantee applies to all full-time, undergraduate students entering in the 2021–2022 academic year.
Does the Tuition Guarantee apply to undergraduate international students?
Yes—the Tuition Guarantee applies to all full-time, undergraduate students entering in the 2021–2022 academic year.
Does the Tuition Guarantee apply to those in a 3+3 program?
The Tuition Guarantee will apply until a student moves into the graduate/professional program, then the student will pay the graduate/professional tuition price.
Can I opt out of the guarantee and pay a different rate?
No, the guaranteed tuition rate applies to all full-time, undergraduate students entering in the 2021–2022 academic year.